Brazil suspends Chevron’s oil exploration in wake of spill off Rio coast
by Shasta Darlington
(CNN) — Brazil on Wednesday suspended Chevron’s oil exploration rights [suspendeu os direitos da Chevron de exploração de petróleo] in the country until it can [até que ela consiga] explain the cause of a recent oil spill [vazamento de petróleo] in deep water [em águas profundas] off the coast [no litoral] of Rio de Janeiro, and its response [sua reação; sua resposta] to the accident.
The decision by [A decisão tomada pela] Brazil’s National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Bio-Fuels comes [acontece] two days after Chevron was fined $28 million [ter sido multada em 28 milhões de dólares] for the oil spill.
In a news release [Em nota divulgada à imprensa], the agency also said [também afirmou] it had rejected [que havia rejeitado] Chevron’s request [o pedido da Chevron] to drill another well [para perfurar outro poço] in the offshore Frade field [campo de Frade] into what is known as the subsalt region [na região conhecida como pré-sal], saying that it could involve the same risks that were encountered in the well [no poço] thatsprung a leak [apresentou um vazamento] on November 7.
Chevron said in a statement [divulgou nota] Wednesday evening, “we do not have confirmation that we have been notified. Chevron will adhere to all the rules and regulations [cumprirá as determinações] of the Government of Brazil and its agencies.”
According to [Segundo a] Chevron, a relatively small 2,400 barrels of oil [um (volume) relativamente pequeno de 2.400 barris de petróleo]leaked into the ocean [vazou no oceano] , but did not threaten [mas não ameaçou (atingir)] Rio de Janeiro’s famed beaches [as famosas praias cariocas]. It said the leak was largely under control [estava quase que totalmente sob controle] as of Monday [desde segunda-feira] and the oil slick [mancha de petróleo (na superfície)] had been considerably reduced [havia sido reduzida consideravelmente] through [por meio de]cleanup [remoção; limpeza (lit.)] and dispersal [dispersão].
While [Muito embora] the leak pales in comparison [nem se compare] to the massive BP disaster [ao grande desastre da BP] last year when 4 million barrels of oil poured into [foram despejados] the Gulf of Mexico, it raises questions [ele (o vazamento) lança dúvidas] about the safety of drilling [sobre a segurança da perfuração] in the extreme depths [a grandes profundezas] that Brazil plans to exploit in coming years [nos próximos anos].
The president of Chevron’s Brazil operations [O presidente da subsidiária brasileira da Chevron] appeared before a congressional commission [depôs perante uma comissão parlamentar] on Wednesday in Brasilia to discuss the incident [dar explicações sobre o incidente]. During his remarks [Durante seu depoimento], George Buck apologized [pediu desculpas] to the Brazilian people and the government [ao povo e ao governo brasileiros], according to [segundo] state-run news agency [a agência estatal] Agencia Brasil.
He also defended the company’s record [o histórico da empresa], saying it had acted responsibly [afirmando que ela agiu com responsabilidade] andresponded with the greatest speed and efficiency possible [tomou providências com a maior velocidade e eficiência possíveis], the news agency said [segundo a agência].
Brazilian authorities [As autoridades brasileiras] have criticized [criticaram] the multinational company’s response time [o tempo de reação da multinacional] and said [e afirmaram] that it did not provide accurate information [que ela não divulgou informações precisas] about the leak and cleanup efforts [trabalho de limpeza].
Buck said that he hoped [tinha esperança de que] Chevron would continue working as “partners” with Brazil [continuasse sendo parceira do Brasil], according to Agencia Brasil.
Brazil hopes to become [pretende se tornar] the third largest oil producer [o terceiro maior produtor de petróleo] by 2020 [até 2020] as a result of its development of the subsalt region.
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