quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013

Erros de pronuncia

Expressões Idiomaticas- Vídeo

Como digo em inglês: Pega leve com ele

Hi, everybody! What’s up?
Aqui é o Marcelo, e hoje eu trago expressões do seriado The Mentalist, Season 05, Episode 04. Eu separei três expressões usadas nas cenas do episódio. Vejam só onde elas aparecem no vídeo abaixo:
Como de costume, e para ajudar a fixar as expressões em inglês, eu criei um mini diálogo onde elas estão incluídas.
Are you ready? Let’s get started!
English version:
Dennis: I heard Tom is on bereavement leave. What happened?
Nicole: I’ve heard his father died suddenly of a heart attack.
Dennis: I feel so sorry for him! How about we pay him a visit? I think I can cheer him up.
Nicole: Yeah, sure, but go easy on him… Don’t crack jokes as you usually do in the office. He’s having a hard time and we should give him some space.
Portuguese version:
Dennis: Eu soube que o Tom está em licença por luto. O que aconteceu?
Nicole: Ouvi falar que o pai dele morreu repentinamente de um ataque cardíaco.
Dennis: Sinto tanto por ele! Que tal a gente fazer uma visita (a ele)? Acho que eu consigo dar uma levantada no astral dele.
Nicole: Sim, claro, mas pega leve com ele. Não vá fazer piada como você faz aqui no escritório. Ele está passando por uma fase difícil e a gente tem que respeitar /deixá-lo na dele.

Key words│Expressions:
 Bereavement leave ─ Licença por luto. Este é o termo usado nos Estados Unidos quando uma empresa concede ao funcionário um afastamento temporário por falecimento familiar. Assista novamente o vídeo e repare na pronúncia de bereavement. Segue mais um exemplo: The bereavement leave in the U.S. is three days, but there are exceptions. (A licença por luto nos Estados Unidos é de três dias, mas há exceções.)
A título de curiosidade seguem outras expressões usando “leave” como ‘afastamento’ ou ‘ausência temporária’ – aquele período que as empresas concedem aos funcionários por ser direito do trabalhador, como também ocorre aqui no Brasil.
- Licença Maternidade = Maternity leave.
- Licença Médica ou Ausência/Afastamento devido à doenca = Sick leave.
- Licença Paternidade = Paternity leave.
A utilização correta das expressões acima é sempre “To be on maternity/paternity/sick/ bereavement leave”.

 Pay someone a visit ─ Fazer uma visita a alguém. Muitas vezes tentamos traduzir uma expressão nossa em português para o inglês e acabamos fazendo a famosa tradução ao pé da letra. Essa é uma delas… Ao dizer que você vai “fazer uma visita a alguém” o verbo usado não é do e muito menosmake. O correto nesse caso é “pay”, ou seja, “you pay someone a visit”. Segue mais um exemplo: We decided to pay her a visit this morning. (Nós resolvemos fazer a ela uma visita nesta manhã.)

 Go easy on someone / Go easy on/with something ─ Pegar leve/Ir devagar com alguém ou algo. Seguem dois exemplos abaixo usando Go easy on someone e Go easy on something.
Exemplo 1: I’m still learning… Please go easy on me. (Eu estou aprendendo ainda… Por favor, pega leve comigo.)
Exemplo 2: If you are on a diet, go easy on sugary foods, pastas, breads etc. (Se você estiver de dieta, vá devagar com alimentos que contenham açúcar, massas, pães etc.)
Take care guys, all the best!

terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2013

Frases úteis no Escritório

Negócios / escritório

Frases úteis
  • O que você faz?
  • What do you do?
  • Eu sou consultor/a.
  • I’m a consultant.
  • Qual a sua formação?
  • What’s your background?
  • Sou formado em marketing.
  • I have a degree in marketing.
  • Tenho dez anos de experiência.
  • I have ten years experience.
  • Qual é o nome da sua empresa?
  • What’s the name of your company?
  • Eu trabalho por conta própria.
  • I’m self-employed.
  • Estou fazendo uma pesquisa.
  • I’m doing research.
  • Eu sou responsável pelo Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente.
  • I’m responsible for Customer Service.
  • Fui promovido/a.
  • I was promoted.
  • Aqui está o meu cartão de visita.
  • Here’s my business card.
  • Eu gostaria de marcar uma reunião.
  • I’d like to arrange a meeting.
  • Eu tenho que cancelar nossa reunião.
  • I have to cancel our meeting.
  • Eu tenho outro compromisso nesse horário.
  • I have another appointment at that time.
  • Vamos marcar outra data.
  • Let’s set another date.
  • Quando você está livre?
  • When are you free?
  • Você está ocupado/a amanhã?
  • Are you busy tomorrow?
  • Que tal sábado?
  • What about Saturday?
  • Mande-me um e-mail.
  • Send me an email.
  • Eu tenho que fazer uma apresentação no seminário.
  • I have to give a presentation at the seminar.
  • Vou falar sobre as tendências de mercado.
  • I’m going to talk about market trends.
  • Eu preciso fazer algumas fotocópias.
  • I need to make some photocopies.
  • Por favor, visite o nosso stand na feira de negócios.
  • Please visit our booth at the trade fair.
  • Nós não temos orçamento para isso.
  • We don’t have a budget for that.
  • Agora podemos assinar o contrato.
  • Now we can sign the contract.
  • Quando você pode entregar?
  • When can you deliver?

Lista de Business words

Uma lista de termos técnicos direcionado a diversos segmentos no mundo corporativo. Nessa lista você encontrará mais de 2,000 termos e totalmente gratuito.
Clique no link abaixo para baixar o arquivo em PDF.

Job Interview Questions

As a job seeker, you may notice that there are some general interview questions in every job interview; therefore you must be prepared for them. Whether is the first or second job interview, you need to do your best to get the job. Here we provide you with a list of questions. Take a look at this section and practice for your coming job interview. Here you can access to a variety of job interview questions such as could you tell me about yourself? Do you have any questions for me?, etc. Browse over these questions and make a role play based on this questionnaire 

1. Tell me about yourself 

this is certainly one of the most common questions in any interview. The interviewer usually make this question "to break the ice" and enter in confidence with the candidate. To answer this question, remember to have something prepared and act as natural as possible. Talk about your previous jobs, hobbies, family and work-related experiences. 

2. Why did you leave your last job? 

This is another very common question in interviews. By this question, the interviewer wants to know if the reasons why you left your previous job are positive or negative. To answer this question it is advisable to keep a positive attitude regardless of circumstances. It is advisable not to refer to previous problems or speak ill of the company because, it could lead to misinterpretation. Ideally, talk about personal growth and future plans. 

3. What experience do you have in this field? 

To answer this question it is advisable to be as honest as possible. If you do not have much experience, try to remember experiences related to work, but if you have experience, make a summary of the places in which you have worked as well as the greatest achievement in these jobs would be excellent. 

4. Do you consider yourself successful? 

The aim of this question is to see if you have ambitions desire to continue getting ahead. It is always advisable to say "yes" and briefly explain why. Usually, the answers are related to personal development and fulfill objectives in the life. 

5. What do co-workers say about you? 

The main aim of this question is to see the interpersonal relationship that you may have at work. To answer this question, it is advisable to have at least two good references of your friends that describe your personality and your skills to work in a team. 

6. What do you know about this organization? 

General interview questionsBy this question, the interviewer wants to know if you have done some research about the company. This question can also determinate if you really want to work in the company or just want to make money. In order to answer this question, it is advisable to know at least the basic information about the company such as: the name of the manager and the achievements of the company. 

7. Why do you want to work for this organization? 

The aim of this question is to see the real reasons why you want to work in the company. Remember that sincerity is very important here because a lie will be easily detected. It is advisable try to relate your personal objectives with the company and say that the company offers great opportunities to success. 

8. Why should we hire you? 

Try to answer this question describing your best skills and how these can be useful for the company. It is also advisable to say what were your best achievements and what did you do for get them. 

9. What is your greatest strength? 

There is no only an answer for this question, because each person has its own strengths. However, it is advisable to choose one related to the job, for example: if you want to works as a sales associate, you can make special emphasis on your communication skills and interact with people. 

10. What is more important to you: the money or the work? 

Remember always to give preference to the job. An example of a good answer might be: Money is always important, but I think that work is more important. 

11. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure. 

This is a good opportunity to brag that your reaction to the pressures of work is optimal. To complete your answer, you can relate some experience you had. 

12. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends? 

This is another question you can leverage in your favor because not all people are willing to work on night and weekends. An example of good answer might be: I have many responsibilities at nights and weekends, but if the company needs my help there is no problem. 

13. What have you learned from mistakes on the job? 

"We all learn from mistakes" is definitely a good answer for this question. To answer that question reminds some experience, not necessarily yours, in which has made a mistake and say what you did to correct that. 

14. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own? 

This is the typical loyalty question. Just say "yes" 

15. What kind of person would you refuse to work with? 

The main aim of this question is to see if you are a tolerant person. To answer this question is say that you are a flexible person and you are able to accommodate to different behaviors and ways of thinking.

segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013


Texto Mastigado

RIO DE JANEIRO — A fire ignited by a 1-flare from a band’s pyrotechnics spectacle 2-swept through a nightclub filled with hundreds of university students early on Sunday morning in Santa Maria, a city in southern Brazil, killing at least 233 people, officials said.

Um fogo iniciado por um 1-sinalizador de espetáculo de uma banda pirotecnia se 2-alastrou por uma boate cheia de centenas de estudantes universitários no início da manhã desse domingo, em Santa Maria, uma cidade no sul do Brasil, matando pelo menos 233 pessoas, segundo as autoridades.

Health workers 3-hauled bodies from the club, called Kiss, to hospitals in Santa Maria all through Sunday morning. Some of the survivors were taken to the 4-nearby city of Porto Alegre to be treated for burns. Valdeci Oliveira, a local legislator, told reporters that he saw 5-piles of bodies in the nightclub’s bathrooms.
Bombeiros e paramédicos 3-arrastaram corpos do clube, chamado Kiss, para os hospitais de Santa Maria durante toda manhã de domingo. Alguns dos sobreviventes foram levados para a 4-cidade vizinha de Porto Alegre para serem tratados devido a queimaduras. Valdeci Oliveira, um legislador local, disse a repórteres que ele viu 5-pilhas de corpos nos banheiros da discoteca.
Survivors described a 6-frenzied and violent rush for the main exit. Murilo de Toledo Tiecher, 26, a medical student at the University of Caxias do Sul who was at the club, said he and his friends had to push through a 7-crush of people to get around a metal barrier that was preventing the crowd from spilling out into the street. He said some people became 8-trapped after they rushed into the bathroom near the exit, thinking it was a way out. Once he was outside, he said, he tried to pull others to safety.
Sobreviventes descreveram uma corrida 6-frenética e violenta para a saída principal. Murilo de Toledo Tiecher, 26 anos, estudante de medicina na Universidade de Caxias do Sul que estava na discoteca, disse que ele e seus amigos tiveram que empurrar através de uma 7-multidão de pessoas para darem a volta em torno de uma barreira de metal que impedia a multidão de sair para a rua. Ele disse que algumas pessoas ficaram 8-presas depois que entraram no banheiro, perto da saída, achando que era uma saída. Uma vez que ele estava fora, ele disse, ele tentou puxar outros para a segurança.

Fonte: New York Times